
Love Yourself: Day 17

I love myself because I am learning how to see my shortcomings through different lenses and how to use them to my advantage. In doing this, I shift my focus from the negative to the positive, and keep myself encouraged while acknowledging that I have some areas that I need to work on.

Besides, what’s the point of naming everything that’s wrong with you if you aren’t going to try to make those things better?!?!? It’s only going to make you feel bad, and you should strive to continually build yourself up. (Trust me, there are plenty of people watching and waiting for you to make a mistake or fail, don’t add yourself to that list. Be your own cheerleader!)

We are more than halfway there; please don’t give up now!!! What’s one more reason why you love yourself today? (Please leave a comment below….or if you don’t feel comfortable doing that just tell yourself…as long as you celebrate you, that’s all that matters!)

1 comment:

  1. I love myself because the lord has redeemed me. I am Free from the chains that held me bound.


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