
The 411

I’m so pumped right now!!!!
There are literally at least a hundred things running around in my head and all I want to do is write. (I LVE writing btw….it may not always be grammatically correct J, but there’s always passion behind it).
First off, I just got crazy excited when I received Sally’s Monologue Monday guest post for today. I’ll post it in a little bit, but she basically said words that I’ve been thinking but haven’t ever been able to capture into the right set of words to portray my own sentiments on the matter. Sally does it perfectly!
Secondly, over the last few months I have met a load of new people and I’m so excited to pick their brains and to see what they think about the various topics that we talk about here at Virgin Monologuez (i.e. virginity, pre-marital sex, abstinence, self-esteem, self-worth, health, respect, loving one’s self, the male’s perspective and so forth).
And speaking about the male’s perspective, I have gotten a few emails and comments asking when is the next interview coming, and I promise I’m working on it now for ya’ll! Not only is my youngest brother’s Part 2 coming up (youcan read Part 1 here), but I’ve also asked several other guys (either that I’ve known for a while, or that I’ve just met) to participate in these discussions/interviews as well.
The thing is though is that ya’ll are slowly becoming like family to me in the sense that I want to protect my younger girls who are reading this and hold my guest posters accountable for the content that they submit. Not saying that I’m trying to control what they say- I truly believe in free speech and people expressing themselves- but I do feel responsible for what I present to young, impressionable minds and thus I try to maintain the integrity of this site accordingly.
And lastly, (just so I can wrap this up and not bore you anymore than I probably already have), I have been working on updating and changing the content of some of the tabs for the site; so be on the look out for these new changes soon. While there was nothing previously wrong per say with the About Us, The Author, and Contact Us pages, I wanted to make them even more AMAZING!!!
(…No really, the real reason is that I started this site back in January and in the few months that I’ve been writing and having other people guest post, God has made it clear to me what areas I should be focusing on…When there is a mission and focus, plans can be made and dreams can come to fruition; so let’s see where this more concentrated road takes us. The sky is the limit and ya’ll are my amazing pals along this journey, so let’s see what happens from here).
Hopefully this wasn’t too long, and please come back later today for Sally’s guest post (my girl seriously laid it DOWN in my eyes…or at least she spoke to me), and always feel free to share with me anything that your heart desires.
Have a Happy Monday!
-Virgin Monologuez

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