
Monologue Monday: Let’s Have A Little Heart to Heart

I know it’s been a while since the last Monologue Monday post, and I’m sorry about that. I have so much stuff to talk to you about, but the thing that I want to discuss the most right now is about being real.

Yeah… being real.
I’m not the type of girl to act like I have it all together. (And if at any point I’ve ever given you that impression, I truly apologize for it…for real).
This weekend I spent Saturday doing a couple of interviews for this site, and for one of the interviews I was the one actually being interviewed… (it was pretty intense too, but that’s another story)!
My intentions behind agreeing to do the interview were two sided. On the one hand, I wanted to show the guys that I’ve been interviewing that I’m not above getting down and personal (especially since the guy doing the interview was the first person that I ever interviewed for this site, and he came to me and asked me could he interview me, so I happily complied).
But the second reason, and the reason that’s even closer to my heart, is that I really wanted to get raw and unedited for ya’ll and for myself. 
While I think that it’s important to be a role model and mentor, I feel like it’s just as important to be real and honest.
I’m not perfect. It feels good to say that and to acknowledge that I don’t have it all together and sometimes I just don’t know what I’m doing.
Don’t get me wrong, I know who I am, what my goals and passions are, and what I stand for, but I also realize that I’m human. I’ve been in situations that I shouldn’t have been in, I’ve done things that I shouldn’t have done, and I’ve allowed things to happen that I shouldn’t have went along with.
But with all that has come life…. Has come experience.
My monologue for today is that it’s ok to make mistakes.
Because you’ll learn from them, and hopefully you’ll take what you’ve learned and help somebody else along the way so that their journey isn’t so bumpy. (And I’m not promoting to just go out there and do whatever you want and then just say ‘oh, my bad’ after you’ve done something that you know you shouldn’t have done. But I am saying don’t get so caught up in your failures and faults that you can’t move past them. Acknowledge that it was wrong and then change it…don’t dwell on it but don’t mask it either; call it what it was).
I know it’s tempting to act like you have it all together or like you have the perfect life, but oh the people we could reach and the lives we could touch if we got real with them and ourselves. (And not to mention your life would be so much happier if you didn’t have to wear a mask or pretend to be something that you aren’t….there is liberty and freedom in being real).
I’m saying all of that to say this:
When you’re reading through my stories or the stories of the other men and women on here, be encouraged. Don’t ever feel like you are being judged or condemned because of who you are or what you’ve done. (Now if you feel convicted because what you are doing is wrong and you want to change it, that’s a different story… but don’t feel like you can’t relate to any of the people who have submitted stories). We’re all just like you, and this is a judgment free zone.
I, and my site, are about encouraging others; lifting them up and helping them to see that there are alternatives to following the norm and ‘doing what everybody else does’.
If I, or the other people that I allow to come on here and share with you, can’t be honest about who we are and what our imperfections are/what we struggle with, then what’s the point?
Dare to be the change that you want to see and always be real with yourself and others

-Virgin Monologuez

P.S. So I decided that I would post the interview with Dr. J.D. first (hehe J he sent me a playful email when I called him Mr. last time- people and their titles huh?!?!? (just kidding)), but I’m going to do that interview later on this week, and then post the other male’s perspective interview that I did sometime next month. So come back later in the week because I PROMISE that you don’t want to miss our one-on-one interview.
Until then, have an incredible week and just enjoy life!


  1. Very encouraging, good work...as usual!

  2. Thank you so much Mrs. Truscott. You are ALWAYS so kind and encouraging :)

  3. I grew up thinking I had to be perfect. My parents raised me right and everyone saw how respectful and humble and talented I was in everything I did that it became addictive to me that I needed to be perfect in every thing I did. Once I failed at something or didn't complete a task like I wanted to, I broke down. Cried even because everyone saw me as superman and when superman did something he wasn't supposed to let the people down. I felt that pain when I let someone down. Still do to this day. I have a greater understanding now that we are not ment to be perfect but being a preacher kid and a man of God it makes it hard to screw up. Lol

  4. @AaronRose, I grew up with a parent in ministry too. It definitely can put pressure on a person. My mom tried to remind us that it was ok to make mistakes though and not to worry about the opinions of others (even if some of our actions and stories were used for sermons lol).


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